Alliteration, "Touin" in
Japanese, attracts attention. For example, many character in comics etc have
the name used by alliteration: Mickey Mouse, Doraemon etc. The name using
alliteration is easy to remember. Because of this, alliteration is often used
in advertisements, newspaper and son on.
As I learned in the class,
alliteration shows the author's skill and intelligence. As I think, we can find
the technique easier in classic book in Japanese. I wonder the author in old
days often used it for the reason. It is often used in waka, traditional
Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables like as follows: なせば成る なさねば成らぬ なにごとも なさぬはひとの なさぬなりけり。
But alliteration has a weak point.
It has too noticeable. Surely it has also a good point. It sounds like song and
humorous. A tongue twister has it and sound humorous. However, if alliteration
was used in novel, because it attracts attention keenly we may not concentrate
on content. I don not know why but it may concern with the result that
alliteration in Japanese novel etc decreased.
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